This is how the lawn looked when
I got there. It had a moderate
amount of thatch, and was a little
"spongy" to walk on.
I adjust my
thatcher so that
the blades just
touch the top of
the soil. You can
see what was
pulled out.
Here the thatch is
raked up and
ready to load into
the truck.
Finally, I vacuum
the lawn to pick
up thatch that the
rakes left behind.
As you can see,
should not
damage the lawn.
A close inspection
at the time of the
estimate revealed
that this lawn had
a much heavier
layer of thatch... you can see.
Raked up and
ready to load.
Vacuumed; ready
for fertilizer and
other soil
This lawn is now
much firmer to
walk on and is on
its way to
excellent healt